Tuesday 1 November 2011

Product Studio Work

I chose to stick with the theme of music and carry it on to the product shots, I chose to photograph some plectrums by Dunlop. I wanted to use a mirror and a torch light in addition to the normal set up, to give it some difference.

Here are some of the photos:
(ISO - 200) f5.6 1/5
 For this one, it was my first try with the mirror, but I felt that the reflection distracts from the product itself, it was also too far out.
(ISO - 200) f5.6  0.8 Sec
 I went for a more generic close up using no mirror, this worked well, but as it looks almost quite like a snap shop I feel I would have to edit this a bit if I were to use it.
(ISO - 200) f5.6  0.8 Sec
This is one of my favourites, I love the lighting, I love the way the blur of my hand looks like fire and my bracelet dangling gives it that sparkle in there! It's a shame that the product name isn't clear on this though. 

(ISO - 200) f5.6  0.8 Sec
I feel that the glow of the light works better here, you can see the product name which is very important, however the framing is slightly off and I feel that cropping it would ruin the effect of the light; it would cut off the circular shapes.
(ISO - 200) f5.6  0.8 Sec
 The light effect here looks wispy and it looks almost like gas! I really like this effect, I didn't really imagine what I would exactly do with the torch light, but this is certainly effective!
(ISO - 200) f5.6  1.6 Sec
 I like this one because it's got a perfect distance to read the brand name and there is an interesting dramatic light, it's almost like stage lighting in a way and the material could even represent the lining inside a guitar case.
(ISO - 200) f5.6  1.6 Sec
This represents the same as above but the artificial lighting brings out a big difference, it's more of a graphical look to the photo and could have text overlayed onto it.

I have not edited any of these images as I feel that they look fine as they are :)

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