Sunday, 30 October 2011

Light Painting Again

I tried another attempt at home to do some light painting, I got my housemates to wave a torch around in the kitchen with all the lights switched off.

(ISO - 100) f5.6 0.8 Sec
This appears evidently too short in time, but they stopped waving the torch too early and I framed it too off.

(ISO - 100) f5.6 1/5
After adjusting the timing to a time that had worked well in the studio, this was the result. I find it quite tonal but it was out of focus, which always has been a problem since I've tried it at home.

(ISO - 100) f5.6 1/8
This was more improved, less time so that there was less of the fuzzy glow, the torch was in focus and I had rested the camera on a pile of catalogues on the table..I still know I need a tripod for this exercise! But I am pleased with this result, it's the best one of the lot.

(ISO - 100) f5.6 1/8
They had accidently knocked open the curtains, however, I am rather impressed by the effect it made! It looks like fire almost because of the orange glow! 

(ISO - 100) f5.6 1/8
Here is another attempt at this 'fire' effect, this time I waved the camera around aswell as the torch being waved around. I feel that it would be better if there had been a particular shape drawn.

(ISO - 100) f3.5 1/4
I wanted to light up my housemate and have shapes drawn around them, at first, I thought their laptop would light them up, I changed the shutter speed and aperture too. This didn't work because the laptop light wasn't bright enough, I needed a flash.

(ISO - 100) f3.5 1/13
(ISO - 100) f3.5 1/13
I used the flash this time round, shortened the time when I should have left it or rose the aperture, but I think the results show that they worked quite well this way, the blurriness could have been resolved with a tripod though!

I'd be quite happy to try these out outside one day to involve a landscape inside the frame too.

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