Thursday 13 October 2011

Shutter Speed - Experiment (Light Painting)

I decided to try out some light painting at home with a torch.
(ISO - 200) f4 2 Sec
 This was a difficult experiment because my walls are so closed in compared to the studio and they are white meaning the light reflects around the room easily, so as you can see, you can see the room still here.

(ISO - 100) f4 5 Sec
 I then turned to the middle of my room that had no wall and quickly waved the torch in front of the camera and it came out with this!

(ISO - 100) f4.5 5 Sec
 Thought I would try a still long exposure on the hand over the torch whilst I was trying to focus ready for another light painting capture, but for some reason it wasn't in focus! Neither was this next image!

(ISO - 100) f4.5 5 Sec

(ISO - 100) f4.5 5 Sec
I think I will try this again in a more darker area like outside at night or something like that.

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